Famous website named 1337day .com has been hacked by hackers called Rab3oun and X-Gun. 1337day.com is also called as Inj3ct0r.
Inj3ct0r is a famous market place for hackers to share exploits and hacks
According to Inj3ct0r Twitter account, they first tweeted saying:
"CIA arrested 1337day domain because we refused to give personal information of our users. we will always protect security of our users :)" Time:10h:29 PM 8 June 2015
And later on they posted another tweet saying they got hacked
"This domain now is OWNED By RAB3OUN and X-GUN
You said that CIA arrested your domain ?!!
Who you are ? CIA ask you for Client information ?!! LooooooL
You have said a stupid reason for your client LooooooL You are so stupid
You are selling exploit ?
you are scammer you selling not working expoit and non-existent exploit
Go to hell inj3ct0r"
This is not the first time they got their website hacked, in 2013 March 18 by SQL_master and Zombi3_Ma their website got hacked. To stay updated on this article you can follow Inj3ct0r on Facebook and Twitter
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