Monday 14 April 2014

Google Acquires Boston Dynamics-Is Google Joining Robotic War?

The company that developed world’s fastest running robot called Cheetah is now acquired by Google. Boston Dynamics, being Google’s 8th acquired robotic company, is now under the supervision of Andy Rubin that can lay a new foundation for the next big Android project. Both the price and size of the project is kept under wraps.

Also, famous online shopping portal Amazon has recently announced its plan to deploy a fleet of delivery drones. Analysts say that such acquisitions are hinting future technology influenced by robotics for consumer internet driven companies. Boston Dynamics is Google’s biggest prize and surprise for Amazon in the robotic war.
Many of the Boston Dynamics projects were developed with funding aid from the US department of Defense’s research unit, making Google a military contractor, as of now. A Google’s representative confirmed the deal but declined to comment and elaborate on future plans and project price.
Andy Rubin, head of Google’s newly found project, is excited about the venture and tweeted that the future is looking awesome to him for Google. Hinting an innovative shift from virtual to the real world, robotics can be a new fascination for consumer internet companies. Although the ultimate objective behind the Google’s robot collection is still unclear, Andy Rubin’s this project is expected to be among its so called ‘moonshot’ ventures.
Rubin stepped down from leading Google’s Android mobile operating system to take on new projects for Google and Boston Dynamics is one of them. The response from the tech community has been the mixture of amusement, awe and apprehension at the potential use of robotics under Google scale. Boston Dynamics doesn’t deals with commercial sale of robots, but it mostly develops mobile and off-road robotics technology funded by Darpa.
It seems that the mobile war can now take a huge leap and may transform into robotic war. Excited about the project, the company’s CEO Larry Page said- “I am excited about Andy Rubin’s next project. His last big bet, Android, started off as a crazy idea that ended up putting a supercomputer in hundreds of millions of pockets. It is still very early days for this, but I can’t wait to see the progress.” The company is mute on commenting any project details and future planning.

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